Published on May 4, 2005 By titan In IconPackager
Hi there,having a problem with I.P.
Since the latest update I can open the program and about 5 seconds later it just closes by itself. It isn't performing an illegal op. its just like you hit the close button.
Any Ideas,Suggestions? Thanks

on May 04, 2005
Be a little quicker in picking one?

Sorry. I'm bored.

Since I've noticed throughout the threads some people get different ver/builds on updates, which version of IP?

Have you tried a reinstall of it?
or restore to previous (get rid of newest) and re-update?
on May 05, 2005
Mine does the very same thing!! It is the new beta just installed.
on May 05, 2005
I reinstalled. It is still doing the same thing!!! HELP!!
on May 05, 2005
You may want to roll back and install the 2.5 version until the kinks are worked out.

I have not tried the beta, as I am waiting for the official release of 3, but after reading in a couple other posts - it seems the new version still needs some fine tuning.
on May 06, 2005
How can I reinstall the old one?? I'll never install another beta!!!I uninstalled the old one thinking it would help...I lost all my themes even though I didn't put a check in that box!!
on May 06, 2005

Since you are able to install the beta versions, I assume you are using Stardock Central to install the programs.

Restore Icons to default > start Stardock Central > uninstall the program (if it is not already) > deselect the "Show pre-release version" option on the bottom of the window, this should drop the beta version and show version 2.50.087 (or similar) in the Object Desktop category.

If you have created an archive - go to "File > Restore archive.." and delete any IconPackager archive that has the beta version in it.

Reinstall IconPackager > reboot machine > download the packages you want > when you are satisfied with the content you have installed in the IconPackager sub-directory - run Stardock Central again > right-click IconPackager in the list > select "Archive>Archive application (including all skins)".

The archives are stored in the Stardock Central folder in a folder called "BACKUP". You can burn this folder to disc to save your content (this folder is where SDC looks to find and restore archives).

I hope this helps.
on May 07, 2005
Got it fixed!
on May 07, 2005
IP is crashing when I try to change icon packages...sample of crash log:

IconPackager.exe3.00.00 caused exception C0000005 at address 00416C0F (Base: 400000)

EAX=00000000 EBX=77C47E61 ECX=00000000 EDX=7C90EB94 ESI=017C4E90
EDI=0013D350 EBP=00000000 ESP=0013C158 EIP=00416C0F FLAGS=00000246
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
FPU stack:
FFFF0080008000800080 FFFF0000000000000000 FFFF000000E600E600E6
FFFF00E6E6E600E6E6E6 FFFF000000E500E500E5 FFFF000000E500E500E5

Then goes into the stack dump.

Any ideas?????

Dr. J.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 07, 2005
Thanks Corky,great tutorial
on May 07, 2005